Daily Exercise is Key
Hormone replacement therapy requires eating clean and exercise in order to get the full benefits of feeling young again. It’s important to find the exercise that works for you and your body - and your schedule too! If you don’t have time to drive to the gym, change, do an hour-long workout, shower, dress again, then drive back to work - don’t do it! There are several options these days to fit just about anyone’s schedule. Plus, there’s always just taking a walk that is arguably the best daily exercise you could do.
We have found several good online options for beginning and maintaining a home-based exercise routine. The key to exercising from home is to be sure you set aside time EVERY.SINGLE.DAY. to do something that is either exercise itself or getting ready to exercise. For instance, if you truly don’t have time to take a walk, at least put on your shoes and walking clothes. If that’s all you can do, at least you did that. If you can’t make it to a real or virtual yoga class, roll out your mat in your living room for a few rounds of Sun As.
It’s important to continue to exercise as we age. Our bodies need to stay agile, we need to maintain our balance, and the key to staying young is feeling and looking young - exercise can help do that.